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ZL15PLD is a base board for dipPLD modules with CoolRunner XC2C256 chip from Xilinx (ZL14PLD). The board is equipped with a lot of standard peripheral devices e.g. 2-digit LCD display, 8 LEDs, four 7-segment LED display, PS/2 interface. User can also connect in the convenience way his own peripheral devices.

Basic paremeters of basic board ZL15PLD
- Cooperation with ZL14PLD module (with XC2C256 chip)
- 2-digit 7-segment LCD display
- 4 7-segment LED display
- Connector for alphanumeric LCD (2x16 chars) with HD44780 controller
- 8 LED
- 4 buttons
- 5-way joystick
- PS/2 connector
- 2 fourcontact dipswitches
- Piezoelectric converter
- Power supply via USB
ZL15PLD board cooperates with ZL14PLD module.
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Standard equipment
Code | Description |
Electrical schematic

DipPLD module connectors and I/O lines
Base board ZL15PLD is equipped with connectors for dipPLD module (Mod1A i Mod1B). I/O lines are available on Con1 and Con2 connectors.

Base board L15PLD is equipped with two foutcontect dipswitches with pull-down resistors.

PS/2 connector
ZL15PLD board is equipped with PS/2 connector, witch lines are connected to the dipPLD module.

LCD 2x16 display connector
ZL15PLD board is equipped with Dis1 connector that allow to use alphanumerical display with HD44780 controller (e.g. LCD1602 from Kamami). Contrast of display is adjusted with potentiometer P1.

7-segment LED display
ZL15PLD board is equipped with four 7-segment LED displays. Displays are connected to the connector of dipPLD module with LED_Disp jumper (JP6). How to connect displays are presented on picture below.

2-chars LCD display
ZL15PLD board is equipped with 2-chars LCD display, How to connect displays to dipPLD are presented on picture below.

ZL15PLD board is equipped with 8 LEDs connected to dipPLD connectors by using LED jumper (JP5).

Buttons and joystick
ZL15PLD board is equipped with 4 switches (SW1..SW4) and 5-way joystick. Lines of switches and “Enter” connect of joystick are pulled-up to the power supply. Another 4 lines of joystick can be pulled-up to the power supply inside of programmable chip mounted on dipPLD module.

ZL15PLD board is equipped with piezoelectric converter connected to the dipPLD module with Spk jumper (JP4).

DataGate jumper set logical level on input DataGATE of CPLD, witch make possible to selectively deactivate input lines of modue.

Power supply
ZL15PLD is supply via USB connector. Power supply is signalled with LED D9.